In this Mobile world, any business that desires new customers or clients needs a website. Almost all of your customers will use the internet to find businesses before they try anything else. If a person is new to an area and wants to find coffee shops, dentists, doctors, daycares, or mechanics, what do they do? They search online. Those searches take so little time that a business must be prepared to stand out, and capture the potential customer’s attention in the fleeting moments that they have. A potential customer flipping through Google’s mapped results might ignore the first two businesses for not having websites to look at at all. They tap on the third business’s website only to find that it does not work well on their phone, so they move on to number four. Just like that, the three businesses closest to the customer have been written off due to their lack of a useful, up-to-date, mobile-friendly website. The website for any business needs to be professional and ...