For people looking for an easy internet business they can start on a part-time basis, here is a selection of internet business ideas they can pursue with little capital and some of them can really make a decent amount of money over time. Mind you, I said easy to start not easy money making, it therefore means in as much as these businesses are easy to start, making easy money with them is not that easy although it is possible.
1. A products review website or blog
This is a very simple internet business idea that costs almost nothing to start except the initial hosting cost and even that is optional. You could actually start it without any investment whatsoever by using a free blogging service such as Hupages and blogger. What this idea is all about is to write reviews (short articles that mention the pros and cons of a product relative to its substitutes) about a product in high demand and post them on a blog or website. You can make money in three ways here; as an affiliate, a publisher earning from adsense or selling advertising space on your blog or website.
2. A niche content service website or blog
A niche is a group of people with a pressing need and who are willing and able to pay to have that need satisfied. There are many niches on the internet, such as Housewives who want to earn a living from home, chess lovers who want to improve their playing skills and so on. A website or blog devoted to a particular niche is what a niche content website is about. Writing short articles of small length say (300 to 500 words) is okay. You make money by adding adsense ads to your blog so people who are interested in them can click on for you to make money from.
3. An Affiliate marketing service
Another easy to start internet business idea is to create a blog/website around a central theme then build traffic to that blog/website. Some people build traffic to their blog by offering a free gift such as a free newsletter, or free report which can only be received by email, meaning that new users will have to sign up first to receive that gift. Then their emails are captured and then informational and promotional letters or articles can then be sent periodically to these people. Some of these letters or articles will promote products that are related to the blog’s central theme. Another way to receive traffic is by using article directories and forums to promote the website which will have a promotional article for a particular product which visitors to the blog are likely to find useful.
4. Job listing website
Many people go online to search for jobs and many businesses advertise products and services relating to job search. Why not set up a job listing website. The vacancies on your website can be gotten from other job boards or newspapers, but the content of what you post on your website can be different.
5. Real Estate listing website
Another simple internet business to pursue could be real estate listing website. Offer free listing service for apartment seekers with a website and just place adsense ads on them or better still sell advertising space to advertisers and make money in the process.
6. Video sharing Website
Some people are making money on you tube with video sharing service. Just like the other already listed internet business ideas, video sharing website can also generate passive income from their uploaded videos.
7. A tips website
A website that only gives out useful tips on how to do things or get certain results is a very viable internet business idea. and wikihow are good examples for you to borrow a leaf from.
8. A personal development blog
Some smart people are making money from their personal development blogs like and are doing.
9. An online Beginner Class
There are many beginner classes one could start. For instance chess classes for beginners, French for beginners, driving for beginners, make-up artistry for beginners and so on. Even blogging for beginners is possible.
10. An online retail store
For people with a passion for trading stuff how about an online retail store? It is very possible to sell second hand clothes, shoes and bags from a website, just purchase a web store application or even use a free service such as ebay to do so. Easy to set up, you can start running this business right away with very little cost less than $100.
All these internet business ideas are easy to set up and they usually do pay off judging from the examples or really successful case studies.
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